Many job seekers feel pressure to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Still, the line between highlighting your strengths and outright lying can sometimes blur. In California and many other states, falsifying work history is illegal. A risky gamble that rarely pays...
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Photo of Herbert J. Weston and Tanya L. Weston
Month: October 2024
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Is a diversion program your best option for facing theft charges?
If you're facing theft charges, especially as a first-time offender, you might feel overwhelmed and uncertain about your future. However, there's an option that could help you avoid a criminal record: participating in a diversion program. Diversion programs provide an...
Understanding obstruction of justice offenses
In California, getting in the way of the administration of justice is a serious offense. There are several ways a person can do this under the California Penal Code, and understanding what this means, along with examples and penalties, can help you prevent getting...