During police investigations in California, the lineup is a frequent tool for law enforcement. A witness picking a subject out of a lineup is a valid piece of evidence in a court proceeding. However, there are several major known flaws with lineup-based evidence that...
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Photo of Herbert J. Weston and Tanya L. Weston
Month: February 2023
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Situations that enhance DUI charges and penalties
Not all driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) arrests in California result in the same criminal charges. The criminal justice system takes into account all of the evidence that law enforcement collected and observed when making decisions...
What is considered a hate crime, and who are the targets?
Hate crimes are on the rise in California and across the country. If you face charges, seeking help and a solid defense is crucial. This is what such crimes entail and who is typically the target. Understanding hate crimes A hate crime is charged on the federal level,...