If the police see a vehicle operating erratically in California, they might pull the driver over. A sobriety check could follow, and the driver may face a subsequent arrest. Results from roadside field tests for drugs may support the validity of the arrest and serve...
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Photo of Herbert J. Weston and Tanya L. Weston
Month: January 2024
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Trade association admits that shoplifting figure was exaggerated
In recent years, media outlets in California and around the country have reported on a worrying rise in organized retail theft. The basis for many of these stories is a report released in 2022 by the National Retail Federation. In that report, the trade association...
Is this the end of geofence warrants?
Geofence warrants have become more common over the past decade in California and across the country. These warrants seek location data for every person located at or near a crime scene to allow law enforcement officers to track down people who might have witnessed or...