Owing back taxes is not a criminal offense, though unpaid taxes can result in significant fees and penalties. However, if you attempt to avoid payment or assessment of your taxes by using illegal means, you may face criminal penalties for tax evasion, which is a...
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Photo of Herbert J. Weston and Tanya L. Weston
Month: March 2019
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What are the consequences for a DUI in California?
Californian drivers may not know it, but the state is one of the harshest when it comes to dealing with incidents involving driving while under the influence (DUI). The penalties are steep and can impact drivers of all sorts, regardless of whether or not it's your...
What happens after your fourth DUI?
If you have already had three DUIs, you may be wondering what the penalties are for another. In many states, DUI penalties increase each time an individual is charged with drinking and driving. Nearly 11,000 individuals died in drunk driving crashes in 2017, which is...