Some nonprofit organizations are more affected by increased fraudulent activities than for-profit businesses. There are fewer legal and government regulations that control how they create, collect and use their funds. Anti-fraud state agencies in California and...
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Month: June 2022
Top DUI mistakes that California police officers make
DUI arrests are on the rise and, unfortunately, so are the number of people who are wrongfully arrested. If you get arrested for DUI, it's important to know that there are a number of ways in which the police can make mistakes. Failing to properly administer the field...
How to defend against domestic violence charges
If you are accused of domestic violence, you will have the right to defend yourself against the allegation in a California courtroom. There are many different strategies that you may opt to use in an effort to cast doubt on any claims made by the plaintiff. For...
Mortgage fraud could result in criminal charges
Purchasing a home in California often hinges on a mortgage application approval. Would-be borrowers are not always the only ones worried about the approval. Lenders need to issue mortgages to generate profits through monthly payments with interest. Concerns about...