Drug charges are some of the most common and serious allegations that people face in California. There are a wide variety of penalties and complex legal arrangements associated with these charges. One distinction is that between state and federal drug crime charges....
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Drug Crimes
What to know about California drug laws
While California has lighter sentencing on possession of controlled substances, the penalties for cultivating, manufacturing and intent to distribute are harsher. It helps to know the basics of the state's drug laws in case a person gets charged. Overview California...
CA bill SB-73 bill ends mandatory minimum for some drug crimes
Residents of Vista and other nearby areas of Northern California may want to learn more about the bill, SB-73, that is effective on January 1, 2022. It had recent passage and ends the minimum sentencing that is mandatory for nonviolent drug offenses. Lawyers, such as...
The penalties for drug distribution in California
The criminal penalties for drug distribution in California can be severe. You may want to learn about the typical penalties that defendants can expect to face. What is considered "drug distribution" in California and what are the minimum penalties? State laws...
What do you know about unreasonable search and seizure?
After a recent encounter with California police that resulted in drug charges, you cannot help running the events through your mind. Now you wonder if you were the victim of an illegal search and seizure. United States Courts explains where and how reasonable searches...
A drug conviction may interfere with student financial aid
Even though the average cost of a four-year education has dropped in recent years, colleges and universities remain expensive. In fact, the average cost to pursue a bachelor’s degree at an in-state school in California is more than $14,000 per year. Pell grants,...
Your rights when facing drug charges
People facing drug charges have rights when first encountering the police, during an arrest and throughout interrogations. Understanding these rights can help someone under suspicion of drug possession to react properly and can also inform the development of a...
What are marijuana concentrates?
Tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly abbreviated as THC, is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that causes altered states and makes it addictive. If you were to purchase top-shelf marijuana, you would find that the THC content was only about 20 percent. Marijuana...
How gang activity may affect a drug trafficking sentence
Drug trafficking comes with serious penalties in California, but the penalties may become harsher if the judge determines that there is gang-related activity involved, as well. According to California Penal Code 186.22(a), membership in a gang on its own can have...
Can I get in trouble for marijuana in CA?
California, much like many other states, has legalized recreational and medicinal marijuana use. However, that does not mean that a person cannot be arrested for crimes related to the sale, distribution, and even personal use of the drug. Understanding...